My intention is to exclusively speak out of what I have looked into myself and what I know thus far to be true. I will explicitly convey when I am speaking about another's perceptions or conclusions.

My view is that the role of "passing on" spiritually acquired information, knowledge, or content does not put one in a position above or beneath the rest of humanity. If we gain insight into some area of life, that places us in reasonably good position to explain it to others and a potential responsibility to do so.

I think every working concept remains subject to revision or reframing as our perceptual or conceptual capacity improves. What I am passing on has stood up to the test of time and surety thus far. Sometimes a new concept or angle of perception can radically or subtly alter one's framework of understanding. Our organs of perception themselves can improve both through recovery from damage or through development.

The myriad variety and subtlety of ways one can "lose ground" is staggering. Individual selfhood is a multi-faceted, as well as an interweaving phenomenon. Attainment of intact selfhood is but an important stage toward the goal. Subsequent developments can and do depend on it. One can get stuck in the stage of pre-self or damaged Selfhood. This foundational pre-requisite can prevent further unfolding in a radical way. Spiritual development without a healthy soul life is another type of pathology which history knows well.

The orientation expressed in the Buddhist term "beginners'- mind" is a helpful orientation. Looking at something fresh and new can oftentimes uncover previously unfathomed content. My posture calls for periodical view or review of material with this lens. My intentions are to:

  1. Pass on the content,
  2. Allow a space where questioning fundamental concepts can occur,
  3. Nurture an atmosphere, where in the spirit of collegiality, we can work together in the freshness of new or revisited content.

There are as many individual styles of research as there are people. What I offer is not dogma and is to be individually considered. Shaping of the time, most likely will be required to complete the course content.

I consider it vital to retain time for interchange. As in any relationship, both partners must ideally agree to open a given subject at a given time. Keeping an active list of unplumbed topics is perhaps appropriate. Every timely subject requires consensus but also the (sometimes) laborious building of a common vocabulary and the willingness and ability to freely put aside one's current agenda.